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Choose a career in construction and the built environment and join an industry that’s challenging, exciting and rewarding.

With over 180 job roles to choose from both onsite and in the office, higher than average salaries, excellent career progression and a host of other benefits.

We have put together a list of helpful resources which will give you more info into the different jobs available… and which role would suit you best!

Build a Better Tomorrow

Support Construction Careers on their mission to build a better tomorrow across the South West. Watch this video (click the image) and discover the right career for you in the construction industry.

Education Hub

Building Greater Exeter have created the Education Hub, providing lots of engaging activities and resources by age, to help you find out more about the construction industry.

Career Explorer

Not sure which role would suit you best? Check out the career explorer tool from Go Construct to help you decide!

Construction Personality Quiz

Each role listed in the Careers A – Z falls under one of ten construction personality types. These personality types all involve similar training, skills and knowledge. Aimed at those 16 and under, Go Construct’s Ultimate Quiz will help you find out which personality type you are.

Interactive Construction Site

Discover the world of construction by using Go Construct’s Interactive Construction Site. It take you inside and outside a construction site where you meet different people working in different roles.

Click on the image to visit the Go Construct webpage and find out more.

Inspire Me – Women in Construction

Working in construction isn’t all ‘muddy boots’. These inspirational women demonstrate the variety of roles available in construction, from design manager to project surveyor. Listen to them share their background stories, education and career routes into the industry.

Click on the image to visit the Willmott Dixon YouTube channel and watch their video all about women in construction.

Digital Careers in Construction

A career in construction is often thought of as more about using physical skills than any others, but the reality is that it’s a far more varied industry.

Digital skills are vital to most construction projects, with the latest technologies being used to innovate and develop buildings and infrastructure.

Click on the image to visit the Go Construct website and discover what types of roles use digital skills and how they are impacting on the construction industry today.

Stories of People in Construction

What’s it really like to have a construction job? Take a look at these stories from people working in construction jobs across the UK. Find out how they got into the industry, what they do, and tips on working in their fields.

Interactive Careers Explorer

This Interactive careers explorer from GoConstruct will inform you on the different areas in construction to see the huge range of roles available – from building houses and public buildings to roads and railways!