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Resources for Schools

Build a Better Tomorrow

The Build a Better Tomorrow digital campaign, aimed at 16-24-year-olds, highlights the variety of roles, the benefits of working in the sector, training opportunities and how construction is a rewarding, first class career.

Click on the image to watch the film.

Image of laptop showing Go Construct logo

Education Hub 

The Education Hub offers various engaging activities and educational resources for different age groups. The Hub includes videos, quizzes, case studies, activities, and career explorers, from Go Construct, The BBC, and our partners.

There is a dedicated section for ‘Parents and Teachers’ to help make it easier to promote construction and the built environment as a career of choice.

Opportunities for Schools

Building Greater Exeter have compiled a range of opportunities with our project partners to offer pupils, teachers and parents/carers a variety of ways to find out more about careers in construction and the built environment, along with further education and training options.

For further information please download the PDF: BGEX Opportunities for schools

If you are interested in finding out how you can get involved, please contact us.

Training Directory

This valuable resource has been created to enable school leavers to access all the current training opportunities in the built environment. It can be viewed online or as interactive PDFs, which have been designed to meet the needs of neuro-diverse readers

Whether they are considering entry-level apprenticeships/traineeships, T-level courses, OR degree apprenticeships, the Directory lists all the courses available in the Greater Exeter area.

The aim is to make connecting school leavers directly to training providers as easy as possible and give them comprehensive information that will assist them with their future career path decisions.

With over 180 roles in the built environment, there has never been a better time to consider a career in the sector and the Directory includes a diverse range of courses in Design; Civil Engineering; Electrical; Bricklaying; Site Supervisor; Surveying; Carpentry, plus many more.

To access the Training Directory please click on the button below:

The Training Directory

Careers in Construction – ‘St Sidwell’s Point’ Leisure Centre

‘St Sidwell’s Point’ is Exeter’s new state of the art leisure centre and will be the most energy efficient in the UK.

Opening on 29 April 2022 it includes three pools, a gym and two fitness studios, health suite and spa facility, children’s soft play area and a café.

We have created an education pack and videos to provide further information on the facilities, careers in construction and why this building is so special.

Careers in Construction – ‘St Sidwell’s Point’ Leisure Centre

Careers in Construction – The Nightingale Hospital, Exeter

The Nightingale Hospital in Exeter was built in just 57 days, to accommodate patients with COVID-19 during the global pandemic and is now being used as a diagnostic centre and support facility for the RD&E.

This short film has been created to showcase the variety of careers in the Nightingale Hospital’s construction and how different roles have been used to build a prominent structure in the local area.

The quick time to complete the build was possible due to the teamwork of all those involved and this short film includes three of the key companies involved in the design and build, BAM, SDS and TClarke.

Careers in Construction – Nightingale Hospital

Careers in Construction – Carl Rimmer
From Rugby Player to Building Surveyor

Carl Rimmer played for the Exeter Chiefs until 2017 when he decided to retire from professional Rugby and pursue a career in construction and the built environment. He studied for a degree and now works as a full time Building Surveyor in Exeter.

Carl kindly worked with us to create a set of three videos giving an insight into his experience both as a rugby player and a Building Surveyor. He highlights the skills and knowledge that is needed to transfer from one career to another as well as encouraging young people to chase their dreams and to never give up.

Follow this link to view the three videos.

Careers in Construction – Carl Rimmer

Exeter City Council YouTube channel – Building Greater Exeter

Take a look at Exeter City Council’s YouTube channel where all our videos are housed including videos of apprentices talking about their own experiences.

Careers in STEMM and Construction

Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering maths and medicine (STEMM).

Building Greater Exeter created assets to help promote STEMM careers, including short films, fact sheets and a quiz, which are all available to view and download and can be used on any day of the year!

STEMM Career resources for schools

STEMM Careers in Construction 

On 18 June 2021, Building Greater Exeter (BGE) and CSW, with help from BGE Project Partners, BAM and SDS, presented an insight into careers in construction, concentrating on the creation of The Nightingale Hospital in Exeter.

The aim was to celebrate the diversity of STEMM careers in the region and how different roles have been used to build a prominent structure in the local area. Included in this session is a short film featuring three of the key companies involved in the design and build, BAM, SDS and TClarke. It also has Q&A sections with those involved and more about their roles.

You can access the video here.

Virtual Talks/Insight Days/Activities

If you would like to promote careers in construction and the built environment to your students we have a number of companies who will be happy to provide virtual talks/actives/presentations.

For example, Morgan Sindall currently has a number of projects in the Greater Exeter area including Exeter Science Park, RD&E, Exeter University, and SDS Engineering have a prepared talk for schools.

The majority of the companies we work with have resources and information available that they would be happy to provide in a virtual format.